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"The Payroll Solution for Small Businesses"

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can Payroll Express help our company?
  2. Can I get Payroll Reports Customized to my needs?
  3. How does Direct Deposit Work?
  4. What are the advantages of using Payroll Express?
  5. What ways can we transmit our payroll data to Payroll Express?
  6. What is the turnaround time from input to delivery?
  7. How are taxes paid?
  8. How are my employees paid?
  9. How do I get my reports?
  10. How hard is it to change payroll vendors?
  11. Why should I outsource my payroll?
  12. How secure is Payroll Express?
  13. Who has access to my account?
  14. How accurate are your calculations?
  15. Does Payroll Express assume liability for errors?
  16. How about some references?
  17. Why should I leave our national payroll vendor?
  18. Why should I leave my accountant who does my payroll?

How can Payroll Express help our company?

Payroll Express can save you time and money and provide peace of mind knowing that your taxes are being filed correctly and on time. Decrease labor costs by having our staff do all the processing work and let our software hold all of your payroll history for fast, easy, on-demand reporting.

Can I get Payroll Reports Customized to my needs?

Absolutely! Payroll Express provides a powerful report writer embedded in oursoftware. Custom reports can be created and run for any payrollperiod. There is a one-time report creation fee for each custom report.

How does direct deposit work?

Direct Deposit is a way to automatically deposit employee funds to a financial institution. You supply us with employee banking information and the transactions happen automatically with funds appearing on your check date. Direct Deposit transactions are generated through the ACH (Automated Clearing House) network. This network requires two business days between input and check date to process Direct Deposit transactions. The ACH network is governed under Federal Banking Regulations. Payroll Express follows this two day requirement.

What are the advantages of using Payroll Express ?

Flexibility and cost savings. You can transmit your payroll to us by traditional methods such as fax or phone, but you also have the choice of processing through our secure Internet site.

What ways can we transmit our payroll data to Payroll Express?

We believe in flexibility. Nobody wants to be backed into a corner. Therefore, we offer you the ability to transmit in several ways. You can use the more traditional methods, such as fax or by phone. Or you can transmit over our secure Internet site, which we believe is the way payroll will be processed in the future.

What is the turnaround time from input to delivery?

In order to process your payroll accurately and timely, we need to receive your payroll input data each pay period by noon, two days prior to your pay day. For example, if payday is on Friday, we will need the necessary data from you on Wednesday by 12:00 pm. On Thursday by 10:30 a.m., you will receive your checks, check stubs and requested reports for distribution on Friday. It is that simple.

How are taxes paid?

Federaltax deposits are paid through the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System(EFTPS). These include taxes reported on Form 940, 941 and 943. Allstate taxes, including unemployment taxes, are paid through the ACH networkdirectly to the state taxing agencies. All federal and state payroll taxreturns will be filed on a monthly, quarterly or annually basis, asrequired. These returns are balanced, reconciled, signed and filed withthe appropriate parties. The W-3s and W-2s are sent to the Social SecurityAdministration by magnetic media.

How are my employees paid?

Your employees can be paid by either a live check or through direct deposit via the Automated Clearing House (ACH). Employees also have the ability to have portions of their pay deposited to different accounts and/or different banks via direct deposit. The ACH system is secure and beneficial to those employees who travel and are away from the office on payday.

How do I get my reports?

Again, flexibility is offered to you. Your reports can bemailed to you every pay period, or you can view them online through a passwordprotected page on our web page. We have over 100 reports to choosefrom. The standard reports include a payroll summary, payroll checkregister, tax summary, employee direct deposit statement and general ledgerposting summary.

How hard is it to change payroll vendors?

Easy and seamless. If you are with another vendor, all we need is their last quarterly report and all payroll reports from the end of the quarter up to the last payday. We will transfer all this data into our system, balance, reconcile and run a parallel to make sure our numbers match with your current numbers. If you currently process your payroll onsite or through a local provider, it is also easy. Many people are afraid to change, but nearly all of our clients moved from one payroll carrier to Payroll Express and have stayed with us because we make payroll easy.

Why should I outsource my payroll?

Take a second to add up the real cost of processing your payroll in house. First you have an employee’s wage, cost of ink, paper, toner, check stock, distribution, software, electricity, office, etc. In addition, the time to update for federal, state and local tax changes. One can spend all their time simply trying to keep up with payroll. In many major cities close to 40% outsource their payroll. If the largest companies in the United States outsource their payroll because of savings, why shouldn’t you?

How secure is Payroll Express?

Security is our highest priority, and our system is as secure as today’s technology allows. All available security devices, including password protection, two-way encryption, automatic input confirmation and Security Sockets Layers (SSL) servers, are utilized. New technologies are added as they emerge. Keep in mind that our system is designed so that no money ever changes hands over the Internet. A live check or direct deposit pays employees. Payroll taxes are deposited electronically via the Internal Revenue Service’s Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).

Who has access to my account?

Only you and whomever you authorize. All account information is password protected. We assign a Company ID and Password only to individuals you authorize. The combination of the two unlocks your account information

How accurate are your calculations?

Our payroll software was designed to handle information and transactions for thousands of companies on a single system across the United States. We are constantly updating our software to make sure we remain accurate. Also, we receive quarterly updates for all state and local tax rate changes across the United States and currently process in all 50 states.

Does Payroll Express assume liability for errors?

Yes. If taxes are mistakenly reported, we will assume the penalties for the errors, not you. It is our responsibility to take this function out of your office.

How about some references?

No problem. Please email us your request for references. Please include number of employees, complexity of current payroll and the type of business. Also include any information about your company that is unique or would be helpful to Payroll Express in assisting you. We will then email you several references for you to contact. Over 90% of our current clients have come through referrals. Our references are our best form of advertisement.

Why should I leave our national payroll vendor?

Nobody likes to be treated like a number or nickeled and dimed. We provide superior service, greater flexibility and technology to you at a fraction of the cost of the national payroll providers. You will have a relationship with your contact at Payroll Express and will always be treated friendly and fairly. Because we have built our company through referrals, which is reflective of our service not through multi-million dollar ad campaigns, we can pass our savings to you and provide the service your require.

Why should I leave my accountant who does my payroll?

Why would an accountant spend so much time and training to become a CPA and thenprocess payroll? They do this as an extra function to try to attract clientsand then make money off of other services. Most accountants do not havethe software capable of processing hundreds of payrolls, which would reduce the cost to you. They also lack the electronic services, such as direct deposit, batch processing and magnetic media. We specialize in processing payroll, not tax planning, estate planning or bookkeeping.

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